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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tribute to Dennis Ritchie - now, god of programming

Again, a man has defeated death, because he went as god.
A week after Steve Jobs, Dennis Ritchie passed away.
His contribution to the world was certainly comparable with, if not greater than, Steve Jobs'.

Dennis Ritchie is the legend and inventor of the C programming language. The most powerful and simple programming language all throughout the time of computer programming.

He co-developed the Unix operating system, which was the first great operating system, before dos.
All great operating systems today are based on the Unix kernel including Linux, Android, Mac OS.

The book written by him with Brian Kerningham:
The C programming language - Kerningham and Ritchie
is the bible of C coders.

Its one of the finest books i've ever read and this book has always made me feel stronger and more real.
This thin book was the shit. As no other C book will ever be.

This is a personal tribute to Dennis Ritchie. It describes how I was associated with the things he did and how he was great.

All the contact that I was fortuned to come in with this person indirectly occured through this small book, and when I used the FreeBSD Unix operating system. I realized what a great OS it is.

Google, Windows, All other great operating systems still have substantial code written in C.
Thanks to this man for this Excellent programming language.
It will always be my favorite language of all. And for this amazing operating system, which even today when mastered, makes us feel like computer ninjas.

And to him finally,

Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie

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